dinsdag 27 september 2011

Shift of the Ages

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When Wandering Wolf, Grand Elder of the living Maya, asked producer and filmmaker, Steve Copeland to document the sacred saga of the Maya in 2005, he knew that the request would reach much farther than the making of a film. Understanding the magnitude of the mission he was charged with, Steve eagerly embarked on his journey to create a project that would unite a global community. This community, enlightened by the prophesied evolutionary transition to a new sun, was to be called the Shift of the Ages...and so the project began.

The Shift of the Ages mission is to assist Wandering Wolf in delivering the Authentic Mayan Message to the world. We know that as you join with us on this great project, you will want to share what you have learned with everyone around you. We are each charged with the special mission of reaching out to others, allowing them to share in treasure we have discovered. By allowing the truth of the Mayan Prophecy to unite us, we are empowered to create a better world TOGETHER. Together, we co-create our existence; together we make this project a success. Wandering Wolf said, “Let the morning come, let the dawn come for the people to have peace and be happy. Together we are to see our children. Together we are to see our mountains. Together we are to see our cities. Together we are to see our waters.” This message of hope resonates with people of all faiths and beliefs around the globe.

We are not a corporate conglomorate with a massive budget, we are the real thing, the grass-roots workers for peace and unity. This is as it should be, but gives us the challenge of accomplishing amazing goals without the large bankroll that one might expect.

As ancient prophecies unfold within our era, Wandering Wolf beckons all of the world to participate to help bring in the coming age by seeking within our own hearts for ways to contribute. "Each human being," he implores, "must do it their own way, whether Muslim, Christian, Hindu or whatever their faith. Do it your own way. I am Maya, I do it my way."

As your brothers and sisters in the SHIFT, we invite you to join us, to become Ambassadors for good and peace on this earth.

This mission is yours, and the project is ours together. As the time draws nigh, we must all do our part to ensure a future of peace and joy.

What will your part be?

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